Stages Flight instructors have a range of easy options to build a course using the route maker or upload an existing file into the system to create a profile that follows outdoor terrain. Stages Flight courses can also be used for class competitions by integrating sprint and KOM points into the route. 


Text Instructions

To begin building your course:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click the Instructor tab on the top menu and choose Route Maker
  3. From here, you can begin creating your own course or upload an existing file
    - Existing files must be in .GPX or .TCX format. To add a file, click on the Import GPX/TCX button
    - When adding an existing course file, the course can still be modified, including adding sprints and KOM locations (see instructions below). 
  4. To create your own course, type the location of your starting point into the search bar on the upper right.
  5. Once you've located your course starting point, click the map to begin routing your course. As you click through each location where the course turns, the route builder will automatically create a course that follows your route and elevation profile.
  6. Once you're satisfied with your profile, click Save Route in the upper right corner.

Adding Sprint and KOM Points

Adding sprint and KOM (King of the Mountain) points is a fun way to add some competition within your class. Throughout the course, the top 2 participants to pass each point will be given points in two separate competitions for best sprinter and best hill climber. Riders will be given a distance countdown leading into each sprint or KOM point to help them visualize the finish line at each point, as well as a cumulative leader board for each set of points. At the end of the course, the totals for the sprint and KOM competition will be shown to the class. Team competitions using groups of riders can also participate in KOM and Sprint competitions. 

Tips: To stay true to their intentions, we recommend placing KOM points at any peaks in elevation and having sprint points on flat or downhill sections. Since StagesFlight uses rider's true weight (when a rider is logged in or signed in by an instructor who adds their information) and power on mapped courses to estimate speed, this allows different riders to excel in the two separate competitions and encourages greater participation within the class. 

To add Sprint and KOM points:

  1. First, map out your route or upload a GPX/TCX file to create the course
  2. Once your course is ready, make sure you have Elevation toggled ON and can see the profile of the route below the course
  3. Click the desired button (Sprint or KOM), which will be highlighted, then click the point in the course you'd like to add in as a sprint or KOM location.
    - Any number of points can be set, but we recommend limiting the number of points based on the duration of the class.
    - KOM and Sprint points will be labeled on the elevation profile. To remove a point, such as a labeled KOM, make sure KOM is selected, then click the point on the profile again to remove it from the course.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your choice, save your route and upload it to your studio or club to begin using this course within your classes.